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Vim Ultisnips - How do I move to the next placeholder or tabstop?


I just installed a brand new copy of Macvim and UltiSnips, but I can't figure out how to move to the next completions using tabstops and placeholders.

When I press tab, it simply adds a tab space.

My guess is that the tab key was remapped in another plugin or vimrc, so I went with fresh installs and an empty ~/.vim folder. Still nothing...

How do I move to the next tabstop? Is there a key mapping I can set?

like image 325
Bryan Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 21:09


1 Answers

I have the following in my vimrc:

" Set ultisnips triggers let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<tab>"                                             let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<tab>"                                        let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<s-tab>"                                     
like image 179
pnezis Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
