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Vim (text edtitor) - is it possible to adjust the cursor blink rate?

Is it possible to adjust the cursor blink rate in the Vim editor (when in normal mode and insert mode)? And if this is possible, how can it be done?

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Ahu Lee Avatar asked Oct 02 '16 10:10

Ahu Lee

People also ask

How do I stop my cursor from blinking in Vim?

Disabling cursor blinking :set guicursor=n-v-c:block-Cursor/lCursor,... After the first colon, add " blinkon0- " so it reads: :set guicursor=n-v-c:blinkon0-block-Cursor/lCursor,...

What is the default cursor blink rate?

The default value is 530 , so based on what the GUI shows us you'll need to manually edit the key to get that magic number back.

How often does cursor blink?

The cursor will by default stop blinking after 5 seconds in Windows11/10. If you wish to make it continue blinking all the time, then you may give the CaretTimeout registry DWORD a large value like, say, 90000 (Decimal) or then set the value to, say, ffffffff (Hexadecimal).

1 Answers

:set guicursor=i:blinkwait700-blinkon400-blinkoff250

This changes the blinking of the cursor in insert mode (use n-v-i for normal, visual and insert mode). Adjust the times to your needs.

From the documentation help guicursor:

blink times for cursor: blinkwait is the delay before the cursor starts blinking, blinkon is the time that the cursor is shown and blinkoff is the time that the cursor is not shown. The times are in msec. When one of the numbers is zero, there is no blinking. The default is: "blinkwait700-blinkon400-blinkoff250".

like image 185
imant Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
