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Vim: How do you open another [No Name] buffer like the one on startup?



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How do I switch between buffers in Vim?

Pressing Alt-F12 opens a window listing the buffers, and you can press Enter on a buffer name to go to that buffer. Or, press F12 (next) or Shift-F12 (previous) to cycle through the buffers.

How do I open a new buffer in Neovim?

Use the ":sbuffer" command passing the name of the buffer or the buffer number. Vim will split open a new window and open the specified buffer in that window. You can enter the buffer number you want to jump/edit and press the Ctrl-W ^ or Ctrl-W Ctrl-^ keys. This will open the specified buffer in a new window.

How do I save a buffer in Vim?

The command to save a file in Vim is :w . To save the file without exiting the editor, switch back to normal mode by pressing Esc , type :w and hit Enter . There is also an update command :up , which writes the buffer to the file only if there are unsaved changes.

How do I close a single buffer in Vim?

Close buffer named Name (as shown by :ls ). Assuming the default backslash leader key, you can also press \bd to close (delete) the buffer in the current window (same as :Bclose ).

There are many ways to open a new buffer with no name, the simplest of which is :new.

:new will create a split window with an unnamed buffer.

:enew will open one in the current window.

:vnew will open one in a vertically split window.

:tabnew will open one in a new tab.

In normal mode, type :new<CR>.

You may also want to look into :sp filename

I use split pane all of the time - it's pretty great. In combination with screen you've got a lot of niceties there.