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vim: Highlight quickfix selected line with color different than 'Search'



What is the highlight group for the currently selected line in the quickfix window?

The selected line in the quickfix window uses Search for highlighting. I'd like to continue using yellow for Search highlighting, but use blue for quickfix selected line.

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Steve McKinney Avatar asked Nov 04 '12 15:11

Steve McKinney

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2 Answers

Ingo Karkat's answer is right. It's indeed hard-coded in vim code. I have created a patch - QuickFixCurrentLine.patch for vim8.

Patch is long enough to be posted here. Plus, it has mix of tabs and spaces. So, providing a link-only-answer.

EDIT: The patch has got upstreamed in the latest vim code.
The name of the highlight has been changed to quickfixline instead of quickfixcurrentline.

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anishsane Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10


The currently selected quickfix item is hard-coded to Search. You'd have to change the Vim source code and recompile to change this.

I see only limited ways to work around this with Vimscript. You could try to override the highlighting for the current line via :match / matchadd() (it has higher priority), but it would only cover the length of the text, not the entire line the original highlighting. Also, I think the currently selected item cannot be easily queried from Vim, so you'd have to hook into the quickfix-local <CR> mapping to update it, and stop using :cnext etc. to move to different errors.

:highlight BlueLine guibg=Blue
:autocmd BufReadPost quickfix match BlueLine /\%1l/
:autocmd BufReadPost quickfix nnoremap <buffer> <CR> :execute 'match BlueLine /\%' . line('.') . 'l/'<CR><CR>
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Ingo Karkat Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10

Ingo Karkat