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View postscript files on android

Is there a free way to view postscript files on android? I cannot find a solution online but surely lots of people must want to do this.

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graffe Avatar asked Sep 04 '13 18:09


People also ask

How do I view PostScript files?

Just double-click on the file in question and choose your preferred program from the options provided by your computer. A bit of tinkering with the extensions will also allow you to open PS files using your web browser — specifically the PostScript Viewer and Compiler for Chrome.

What app opens .PS files?

You can open a PS file with various applications, including Adobe Illustrator (multiplatform), Adobe Acrobat (multiplatform), and GSView (multiplatform). To open a PS file with Adobe Acrobat, select File → Open.... NOTE: If you are a Mac user, you can also view PS files with Apple Preview, which is bundled with macOS.

2 Answers

Recently Sam Buss and I realized that you can upload the PS file to Google Drive and once its uploaded to your drive, the drive viewer will open and render the PS file on your android device.

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Sajin Koroth Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09

Sajin Koroth

Here is a way that just worked for me on a Samsung Galaxy 5. Something similar can probably work for others. The general idea is to download the postscript file, and use an online web service to convert it to PDF, which you can then view.

  1. Download the postscript file.

  2. Open your browser (I use Chrome). Navigate to www.ps2pdf.com. Navigate your way to their "Convert" page, click the "Choose file" botton. Select "Documents" when it asks for "Choose an action". Go into your "Downloads" folder on your phone. Select the downloaded postscript file. Then, back on the ps2.pdf.com page, click the Convert button.

  3. Click the active link for the converted PDF file. This opened in Adobe Reader, which is my default PDF viewer). If I want to access the file from other programs, it is in Adobe Reader's "Recent" folder in my phone's documents.

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Sam Buss Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Sam Buss