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View traffic in Charles Proxy

I use Charles Proxy to monitor my web traffic (specifically, looking at the API traffic in iOS and Android apps). I have an API site running locally on, but that traffic doesn't appear in Charles Proxy. I've been fiddling around with the settings, but can't seem to get it to work - any ideas?

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Mick Byrne Avatar asked Mar 03 '13 06:03

Mick Byrne

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Check the proxy configuration. Open Charles Proxy, if it is not already open. Open your mobile device's browser and navigate to a site. Grant access when prompted that a device is trying to connect to your network. You should now see your mobile device's traffic in your Charles Sequence log.

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Go to the Settings app, tap Wi-Fi, find the network you are connected to and then tap it to configure the network. Scroll down to the HTTP Proxy setting, tap Manual. Enter the IP address of your computer running Charles in the Server field, and the port Charles is running on in the Port field (usually 8888).

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json on my Desktop. Map Local: Now we go back to Charles map local and clicking Add and we put the host we want to switch-out from, the path, whether it's http or https. [Time-Saver: If you just paste the whole URL into host it will auto-populate the relevant fields for you.] Then in Map To you want to define your .

1 Answers

Use localhost.charlesproxy.com instead of localhost. That's setup on the charlesproxy.com DNS to point to, and always will. And because it's not literally localhost it should bypass the OS's hardwired logic for localhost.

It is also possible to use local.charles, but only if Charles is actually running and you're using it as your proxy. So I prefer the localhost.charlesproxy.com solution.

More information here: https://www.charlesproxy.com/documentation/faqs/localhost-traffic-doesnt-appear-in-charles/

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Karl von Randow Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 01:10

Karl von Randow