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Cannot install Charles SSL certificate

I'm trying to use charles SSL proxying on my Huawei Honor Bee phone. When I try to install the certificate from charlesproxy.com/getssl, I get an error toast saying, "Couldn't install because the certificate file couldn't be read". I've tried on different browsers, but no luck. How can I install the charles certificate? Please help.


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Sindhu Nagabhushan Avatar asked Sep 14 '17 06:09

Sindhu Nagabhushan

People also ask

Can not download Charles certificate?

On your phone use the file manager app and, Go to Settings > Security > Install from storage. Locate your certificate file and install it. Again, if the certificate can not be accessed, try downloading it again. Also, try with the other browser.

How do I enable SSL Proxy in Charles?

Set up Charles Proxy Expand the Trust section, and ensure all options are set to Always Trust and close the dialog box. Click Settings > Proxy Settings and note the port number that appears. In the Charles app, click Proxy > SSL Proxying Settings. Under the SSL Proxying tab, select the Enable SSL Proxying option.

2 Answers

On your phone, Go to Settings > Security > Install from storage. Locate your certificate file and install it.

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Melbourne Lopes Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10

Melbourne Lopes

You can go to help menu and choose "export root certificate" then just send this file to the device.
An image to exemplify what I mean: https://tppr.me/ymh8W

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Vova Komissarov Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10

Vova Komissarov