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Very simple application fails with "multiple target patterns" from Eclipse

Since I'm more comfortable using Eclipse, I thought I'd try converting my project from Visual Studio. Yesterday I tried a very simple little test. No matter what I try, make fails with "multiple target patterns". (This is similar to this unanswered question.)

I have three files:


using namespace std;

#include "Window.h"

int main() {
    Window *win = new Window();
    delete &win;
    return 0;


#ifndef WINDOW_H_
#define WINDOW_H_

class Window {



#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>

#include "Window.h"

const char* WINDOW_NAME = "MyApp";

Window::Window() {
    cvResizeWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 200, 200);
    cvMoveWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 0, 0);
    int key = 0;
    while (true) {
        key = cvWaitKey(0);
        if (key==27 || cvGetWindowHandle(WINDOW_NAME)==0) {
Window::~Window() {

I have added the following paths to the compiler include path (-I):


I have added the following libraries to the linker (-l):


And the following library search path (-L):


Eclipse, the compiler and the linker all succeed in including the headers and libraries. I am using the GNU C/C++ compiler & linker from Cygwin.

When compiling, I get the following make error:

src/Window.d:1: *** multiple target patterns. Stop.

Window.d contains:

src/Window.d src/Window.o: ../src/Window.cpp \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cv.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxtypes.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxerror.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cvver.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.hpp \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cvtypes.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cv.hpp \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cvcompat.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/otherlibs/highgui/highgui.h \
  C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.h ../src/Constants.h \
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cv.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxtypes.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxerror.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cvver.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.hpp:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cvtypes.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cv.hpp:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cv/include/cvcompat.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/otherlibs/highgui/highgui.h:
C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV/cxcore/include/cxcore.h:

I tried removing all OpenCV headers from Window.d (from line 2 onwards), but the error remains. Also, I've updated Eclipse and OpenCV, all to no avail.

Do you have any ideas worth trying? I'm willing to try anything!

like image 499
Paul Lammertsma Avatar asked Mar 08 '10 14:03

Paul Lammertsma

2 Answers

Are you working from a Cygwin installation?

I've seen this problem before using Cygwin--basically, make sees the : in the path and thinks it is another target definition, hence the error.

If you are working from a Cygwin installation, you might try replacing the c:/ with /cygdrive/c/. If not, you might try using relative paths or using a network mount and see if that fixes it.

like image 147
James McNellis Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

James McNellis

according to other internet sources this is related to a problem that cygwin make has with windows path names, specially the c:. For me it workes fine with setting relative paths instead.

e.g. if you have something like


just add ../mymodule/headers/ as include path in the project configuration for the compiler this will find the header afile.h and will generate make files with relative path. (compiler command will have the statement -I../mymodule/headers/ )

looks like execution directory is always the project base directory.

like image 23
marco Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
