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Why is this so much slower in C++?





I have converted this simple method from C# to C++. It reads a path table and populates a list of lists of ints (or a vector of vectors of ints).

A sample line from the path table would be something like

0 12 5 16 n

I realise there are better ways of doing this in general, but for now I just want to know why my C++ code is taking so much longer. e.g. 10 minutes as opposed to 10 seconds with the C# version. Here is my C++ code. I'm guessing I've done something a bit drastically wrong.

//Parses the text path vector into the engine
void Level::PopulatePathVectors(string pathTable)
    // Read the file line by line.
    ifstream myFile(pathTable);

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)

            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++)
                string line;

                if (getline(myFile, line)) //Enter if a line is read successfully
                    stringstream ss(line);
                    istream_iterator<int> begin(ss), end;
                    pathLookupVectors[i].push_back(vector<int>(begin, end));

Here is the C# version:

private void PopulatePathLists(string pathList)
    // Read the file and display it line by line.
    StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(pathList);

    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
        pathLookupLists.Add(new List<List<int>>());

        for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Count; j++)
            string str = streamReader.ReadLine();
            pathLookupLists[i].Add(new List<int>());

            //For every string (list of ints) - put each one into these lists
            int count = 0;
            string tempString = "";

            while (str[count].ToString() != "n") //While character does not equal null terminator
                if (str[count].ToString() == " ") //Character equals space, set the temp string 
                                                  //as the node index, and move on
                    tempString = "";
                else //If characters are adjacent, put them together
                    tempString = tempString + str[count];

Sorry this is so specific, but I'm stumped.

EDIT - A lot of people have said they have tested this code, and it takes mere seconds for them. All I know is, if I comment out the call to this function, the program loads in seconds. With the function call it takes 5 minutes. Almost exactly. I'm really stumped. What could the problem be?

Here is the PathTable it's using.

EDIT - I tried running the function in a program on its own, and it took a few seconds, but I'm afraid I don't know enough to be able to know how to fix this problem. Obviously it's not the code. What could it be? I checked where it's being called to see if there were multiple calls, but there aren't. It's in a constructor of the game's level and that is only called once.

EDIT - I understand that the code is not the best it could be, but that isn't the point here. It runs quickly on its own - about 3 seconds and that's fine for me. The problem I'm trying to solve is why it takes so much longer inside the project.

EDIT - I commented out all of the game code apart from the main game loop. I placed the method into the initialize section of the code which is run once on start up. Apart from a few methods setting up a window it's now pretty much the same as the program with ONLY the method in, only it STILL takes about 5 minutes to run. Now I know it has nothing to do with dependencies on the pathLookupVectors. Also, I know it's not a memory thing where the computer starts writing to the hard drive because while the slow program is chugging away running the method, I can open another instance of Visual Studio and run the single method program at the same time which completes in seconds. I realise that the problem might be some basic settings, but I'm not experienced so apologies if this does disappointingly end up being the reason why. I still don't have a clue why it's taking so much longer.

like image 499
Dollarslice Avatar asked Oct 18 '11 15:10


People also ask

Why is Python so much slower than C?

As we know, Python is an interpreted language, while C is a compiled language. Interpreted code is always slower than direct machine code because it takes a lot more instructions in order to implement an interpreted instruction than to implement an actual machine instruction.

Is C still faster than C++?

Performance is slow compared to C++. C++ language is an object-oriented programming language, and it supports some important features like Polymorphism, Abstract Data Types, Encapsulation, etc. Since it supports object-orientation, speed is faster compared to the C language.

Is C lighter than C++?

If you write code with best-practices C idioms in C or C++, it will be usually be much lighter and faster (and have fewer failure cases to handle) than similar functionality written with best-practices C++ idioms (regardless of whether you write it in C or C++), but it will probably take you a lot more work to write.

Which one is faster Python or C?

C is a faster language compared to Python as it is compiled. Python programs are usually slower than C programs as they are interpreted. In C, the type of the various variables must be declared when they are created, and only values of those particular types must be assigned to them.

2 Answers

I profiled the code with Very Sleepy (Visual C++ 2010, 32-bit Windows XP). I don't know how similar my input data was, but here are the results anyway:

39% of the time was spent in basic_istream::operator>>

12% basic_iostream::basic_iostream

9% operator+

8% _Mutex::Mutex

5% getline

5% basic_stringbuf::_Init

4% locale::_Locimp::_Addfac

4% vector::reserve

4% basic_string::assign

3% operator delete

2% basic_Streambuf::basic_streambuf

1% Wcsxfrm

5% other functions

Some of the stuff seems to be from inlined calls so it's a bit difficult to say where it actually comes from. But you can still get the idea. The only thing that should do I/O here is getline and that takes only 5%. The rest is overhead from stream and string operations. C++ streams are slow as hell.

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Timo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


Based on your update it is pretty clear that the function you posted by itself is not causing the performance problem, so while there are many ways in which you can optimize it it seems that is not going to help.

I presume you can reproduce this performance problem every time you run your code, correct? Then I would like to suggest that you do the following tests:

  • if you are compiling your program in debug mode (i.e. no optimizations), then recompile for release (full optimizations, favoring speed) and see if that makes a difference.

  • To check if the extra time is spent on this suspected function you can add printf statements at the start and end of the function that include timestamps. If this is not a console app but a GUI app and printfs are not going anywhere, then write to a log file. If you are on Windows, you can alternatively use OutputDebugString and use a debugger to capture the printfs. If you are on Linux, you can write to the system log using syslog.

  • Use a source code profiler to determine where is all that time spent. If the difference between calling this function or not is several minutes, then a profiler will surely give a clue as to what is happening. If you are on Windows, then Very Sleepy is a good choice, and if you are on Linux you can use OProfile.

Update: So you say that a release build is fast. That likely means that the library functions that you use in this function have slow debug implementations. The STL is know to be that way.

I'm sure you need to debug other parts of your application and you don't want to wait all those minutes for this function to complete in debug mode. The solution to this problem is to build your project in release mode, but change the release configuration in the following way:

  • disable optimizations only for the files you want to debug (make sure optimizations remain enabled at least for the file that has the slow function). To disable optimizations on a file, select the file in the Solution Explorer, right click, select Properties, then go to Configuration Properties|C/C++/Optimization. Look at how all the items in that page are set for the Debug build, and copy all of those in your Release build. Repeat for all the files that you want to be available to the debugger.

  • enable debugging info (the pdb file) to be generated. To do this, select the Project at the top of the Solution Explorer, right click, select Properties. Then go to Configuration Properties|Linker|Debugging and copy all the settings from the Debug build into the Release build.

With the above changes you will be able to debug the parts of the release binary that were configured as above just like you do it in the debug build.

Once you are done debugging you will need to reset all those settings back, of course.

I hope this helps.

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Miguel Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
