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Very big integer numbers in python numba




I am working on cryptography which includes very large integer numbers of around 2048 bits size. I have return my algorithm in python and working fine. Now, i need to accelerate this algorithm with GPU. So, i am using numba for accelaration. I am getting following error. Please assist me in working very large integer numbers.

ValueError: Int value is too large: 92258844410360056197837473187695644910346254368316703862914922507771377266980480337680534948953927388850060454071957519321942465209478761155937984413689971094452635917678279011141842700271439588766362468089643758626551820024243785880479259172494136586386527772928225026351839534218119545890907368759523376112

like image 974
Chandu Sathi Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 09:10

Chandu Sathi

1 Answers

numba doesn't support bigint. Only integer types supported by NumPy can be used. Apparently there are no plans for this to change in the future.

like image 145
Jean Monet Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10

Jean Monet