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Vertically rotate text inside an HTML table header cell




I am using the following css to rotate the text inside table header cells but the header cells is of the same width as if the text were horizontal.How can I just rotate the text and the width will reduce automatically..

    table#MyTable tr th a{     color: #FFFFFF;     display: block;     /*Firefox*/     -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);     /*Safari*/     -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);     /*Opera*/     -o-transform: rotate(-90deg);     /*IE*/     writing-mode: tb-rl;     filter: flipv fliph;     padding: 60px 1px; } 
like image 738
user882196 Avatar asked Aug 16 '11 09:08


People also ask

How do you vertically rotate text in HTML table?

The first trick is to use writing-mode: vertical-lr to get the text to run vertically. By itself, the text runs top to bottom, but we want it to run bottom to top, so we spin it around it with the transform: rotate(180deg) .

How do you vertically type in HTML?

To make a vertical line, use border-left or border-right property. The height property is used to set the height of border (vertical line) element. Position property is used to set the position of vertical line. Example 1: It creates a vertical line using border-left, height and position property.

How do you display table data vertically in HTML?

The trick is to use display: inline-block; on the table rows and white-space: nowrap; on the table body.

2 Answers

If you need to adjust just the width of the cells and they contain only one line of text each you can do this: http://jsfiddle.net/sSP8W/3/ — set width of an element to it's line-height.

The problem with CSS3-transforms is that they work like as CSS' position: relative: their original box stays the same, so rotating, skewing etc. don't cause the changes in the element's dimensions. So: there is really no perfect CSS solution, you can use JS to adjust the dimensions, or try to find hackety workarounds. So if you have only links in a table, you can do something like that: http://jsfiddle.net/sSP8W/4/ — rotating the table itself.

If your case have another content that you don't want to rotate — update the post, so we could try to find a better solution.

upd: Just found out a solution to the rotated text in tables: using some magic with vertical paddings we could make cells stretch to the content, so look at this almost final example: http://dabblet.com/gist/4072362

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kizu Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10


I solved it this using a jQuery plugin by David Votrubec and the comment by Mike below the blog post.

Put this in a .js-file:

(function ($) {   $.fn.rotateTableCellContent = function (options) {   /* Version 1.0 7/2011 Written by David Votrubec (davidjs.com) and Michal Tehnik (@Mictech) for ST-Software.com */  var cssClass = ((options) ? options.className : false) || "vertical";  var cellsToRotate = $('.' + cssClass, this);  var betterCells = []; cellsToRotate.each(function () { var cell = $(this) , newText = cell.text() , height = cell.height() , width = cell.width() , newDiv = $('<div>', { height: width, width: height }) , newInnerDiv = $('<div>', { text: newText, 'class': 'rotated' });  newInnerDiv.css('-webkit-transform-origin', (width / 2) + 'px ' + (width / 2) + 'px'); newInnerDiv.css('-moz-transform-origin', (width / 2) + 'px ' + (width / 2) + 'px'); newDiv.append(newInnerDiv);  betterCells.push(newDiv); });  cellsToRotate.each(function (i) { $(this).html(betterCells[i]); }); }; })(jQuery); 

And this at the top of your page:

<script src="rotatetablecellcontent.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     $(document).ready(function(){         $('.yourtableclass').rotateTableCellContent();     }); </script> 

And this in your CSS:

/* Styles for rotateTableCellContent plugin*/ table div.rotated {     -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg);     -moz-transform: rotate(270deg);     writing-mode:tb-rl;     white-space: nowrap; }  thead th {     vertical-align: top; }  table .vertical {     white-space: nowrap; } 

Then make sure your table has the class "yourtableclass", and that all the TDs you want rotated have the class "vertical".

Here's a demo running in a jsFiddle.

Hope it helps someone, even though I'm a year late!

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Jobjörn Folkesson Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10

Jobjörn Folkesson