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Vertically justify content


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Is justify-content vertical?

justify-content : longer word: horizontal alignment. align-items : shorter word: vertical alignment.

What is vertical justify?

Vertical justification is an adjustment commonly made in word processors and desktop publishing software. This feature adjusts the margins between the top and the bottom of the page.

Is justify-content vertical or horizontal?

We use justify-content to align the item on the main axis, which in this case is the inline axis running horizontally.

Hopefully this isn't an unsolved task, but I'm trying to vertically justify an unknown (ish) number of divs inside of a container.

Each div should be equal distances from each other, and, additionally, the same distance from the edges. (Assuming the last part can be accomplished using ghost elements before and after)

The divs will each fill the width of the container, and the container is a set height, but the number of elements inside the container is unknown.

I'm assuming it can be done using Flexbox to some degree, but have been unsuccessful in my attempts thus far.