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How can I use components with ng-repeat?



I have this peace of code:

<item ng-repeat="name in names"></item>

And in item.html, there is bunch of things like name.first, name.family etc.
So, the problem is, I can't access name object because of the scope thing.

And I'm confused. shouldn't the component inheritance name at least?

this is my component:

app.component('item', {
   templateUrl: '/views/item.html'
like image 611
Mehdi Hoseini Avatar asked Jun 21 '16 10:06

Mehdi Hoseini

1 Answers

Here is an example plnkr:


  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <item data="name" ng-repeat="name in names"></item>


var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.names = [{family: "asdf", first: "test"}, {family: "qwerty", first: "test2"}]

angular.module('plunker').component('item', {
   templateUrl: 'item.html',
   bindings: {
     data: '='



Basically what you have to do is use bindings to bind the data you are looping with ng-repeat to access it within your component.

like image 133
Prince John Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Prince John