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versioning stored procedures/PLSQL?

Is there an efficient way to version store procedures written in PL/SQL? (I only mention PL/SQL because there may exist a particular tool, any answer directed to versioning of stored procedures is ideal).

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Zombies Avatar asked Mar 05 '10 21:03


People also ask

Is PL SQL outdated?

The answer is that PL/SQL is not growing, but not going away either. Because it is used in the Oracle database, and the Oracle database is a fixture of enterprise systems world-wide, it will outlive you. High-performance batch processing has to happen close to the data, so PL/SQL will continue to rule in this area.

What are the 2 types of variables supported by Plsql?

There are two types of variable scope: Local Variable: Local variables are the inner block variables which are not accessible to outer blocks. Global Variable: Global variables are declared in outermost block.

Can we call procedure inside function?

A function cannot call the procedure inside the program's body.

What is the difference between function procedure and package in PL SQL?

Unlike a function, the procedure does not have any specific return type and doesn't return single but multiple values. Package: A package, which is a schema object, is responsible for grouping PL/SQL types, subprograms and items, which are logically related.

1 Answers

In my current job , the team is now using the following method to version control the PL/SQL .When compiling the PL/SQL , no matter compile successfully or not , a record will be inserted into the log table . Besides in the mid-night , there is an JAVA agent to be scheduled to run automatically check if the PL/SQL source needed to check into the CVS.


Link to blog now is AMIS TECHNOLOGY BLOG

The following link no longer works


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Ken Chan Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10

Ken Chan