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Version Deprecation Facebook Graph API v2.2

our Facebook Login is not working right now. We have received a message from Facebook Developer Portal:

"Name of app" currently has access to Graph API v2.2 which will reach the end of its 2-year lifetime on 27 March, 2017. To ensure a smooth transition, please migrate all calls to Graph API v2.3 or higher.

To check if your app will be affected by this upgrade you can use the Version Upgrade Tool. This will show you which calls, if any, are affected by this change as well as any replacement calls in newer versions. If you do not see any calls, your app may not be affected by this change.

You can also use our changelog to see the full list of changes in all Graph API versions.

We are using ASP.NET MVC 5, and we are using or authentication like this:

var facebookAuthenticationOptions = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions()
                AppId = "****",
                AppSecret = "****",
                AuthenticationType = "Facebook",
                SignInAsAuthenticationType = "ExternalCookie",
                Provider = new FacebookAuthenticationProvider
                    OnAuthenticated = async ctx => ctx.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, ctx.User["email"].ToString()))


But today, our login info object, is null in ExternalLoginCallback:

        public async Task<ActionResult> ExternalLoginCallback(string returnUrl = null)
                var loginInfo = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
                if (loginInfo == null)
                    return RedirectToAction("Login");
... more code here...

In Facebook Dev. Portal our API Version is 2.3

We have tested many options, with no results:

Access email address in the OAuth ExternalLoginCallback from Facebook v2.4 API in ASP.NET MVC 5

Why new fb api 2.4 returns null email on MVC 5 with Identity and oauth 2?

Thank you much for the help.

like image 461
chemitaxis Avatar asked Mar 27 '17 23:03


People also ask

Is Facebook Graph API deprecated?

API Version Deprecations: As part of Facebook's Graph API and Marketing API, please note the upcoming deprecations: August 3, 2021: Graph API v3. 3 will be deprecated and removed from the platform. August 25, 2021 Marketing API v9.

How do I update my Facebook API version?

Implement a New VersionIn the App Dashboard Settings > Advanced, scroll to the Upgrade API Version section.

How do I find my Facebook API version?

The API version is listed with the release of each version of the Facebook SDK for Android. Much like the JavaScript SDK, the version is prepended to any calls you make to the graph API through the Facebook SDK for Android.

What is Facebook deprecated?

Deprecation: The publish_actions permission will be deprecated. This permission granted apps access to publish posts to Facebook as the logged in user. Apps created from today onwards will not have access to this permission.

1 Answers

I had the same problem and here is how I managed to fix it and get the email from Facebook.

  • Update following NuGet Pacakges
    • Microsoft.Owin to version 3.1.0-rc1
    • Microsoft.Owin.Security to version 3.1.0-rc1
    • Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies to version 3.1.0-rc1
    • Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth to version 3.1.0-rc1
    • Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook to version 3.1.0-rc1

Then add the following code to the Identity Startup class

var facebookOptions = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions()
            AppId = "your app id",
            AppSecret = "your app secret",
            BackchannelHttpHandler = new FacebookBackChannelHandler(),
            UserInformationEndpoint = "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.8/me?fields=id,name,email,first_name,last_name",
            Scope = { "email" }


This is the definition class for FacebookBackChannelHandler():

using System;
using System.Net.Http;

public class FacebookBackChannelHandler : HttpClientHandler
    protected override async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(
        HttpRequestMessage request,
        System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Replace the RequestUri so it's not malformed
        if (!request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath.Contains("/oauth"))
            request.RequestUri = new Uri(request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.Replace("?access_token", "&access_token"));

        return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
like image 171
user3012760 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10
