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Verify/change application region at Google App Engine

I'm creating a GAE application.

When I set my GAE PHP application as an authorized application to access my Cloud SQL instance, I get the following warning:

App Engine regions must be the same as Cloud SQL instance regions!

How can I verify or change the region of my GAE application?


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fbysaputri Avatar asked Sep 10 '14 13:09


2 Answers

You can use gcloud app describe --project <projectId> command to get the location. You cannot change an app's region after you set it. Refer here.

For example:

$ gcloud app describe --project myapp-1337
authDomain: gmail.com
codeBucket: staging.myapp-1337.appspot.com
defaultBucket: myapp-1337.appspot.com
defaultHostname: myapp-1337.appspot.com
  splitHealthChecks: true
gcrDomain: us.gcr.io
id: myapp-1337
locationId: us-central
name: apps/myapp-1337
servingStatus: SERVING
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Vishakha Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10


You can see the location of your application at [1].

Regarding changing the region, please see [2] for more information.

[1] - https://appengine.google.com/
[2] - Change GAE application location

Update: EU app creation is now possible from the new Developers console and doesn't require whitelist / premier status. Looks like Location tab will only show in the GAE console if account was whitelisted / Premier. A way to find app location is still in the old GAE console -> from the list click on the app to go to the dashboard -> if you see e~ in the link after app_id=, your app is in EU, else if you see s~ your app is in the US.

Another alternative is to use gcloud command suggested by Ilya Zakreuski below.

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Nikita Uchaev Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Nikita Uchaev