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How to enable CORS with Cloud Endpoints?

Is there a slick way to enable CORS with the Cloud Endpoints?

(Adding "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" or something like this to the response)

Thanks, Brandon

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Brandon Avatar asked Jul 30 '12 02:07


People also ask

What is a CORS enabled endpoint?

CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) is a standard mechanism that allows XMLHttpRequest (XHR) calls executed in a web page to interact with resources from different origins. Without CORS, the same-origin policy enforced by all browsers would prevent cross-origin requests.

How do I enable CORS policy in AWS API gateway?

To support CORS, therefore, a REST API resource needs to implement an OPTIONS method that can respond to the OPTIONS preflight request with at least the following response headers mandated by the Fetch standard: Access-Control-Allow-Methods. Access-Control-Allow-Headers. Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

How do I fix the CORS issue in API gateway?

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) errors occur when a server doesn't return the HTTP headers required by the CORS standard. To resolve a CORS error from an API Gateway REST API or HTTP API, you must reconfigure the API to meet the CORS standard.

2 Answers

As CORS works on production for Cloud Endpoints. What I did to test on devserver (local) was to disable the browser security. For Dartium (I think Chrome also) use --disable-web-security parameter on startup.

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kcaldas Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 14:11


Try adding this to the yaml file of your endpoint:

  - name: "{your-endpoint-host-name}"
    allowCors: "true"
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Janos Elohazi Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 14:11

Janos Elohazi