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Verbose logging of Firebase deploy?

Is it possible to get verbose logging in Firebase's deploy tool?

I am trying to enable Angular Universal on my site, following this guide: https://hackernoon.com/deploying-angular-universal-v6-with-firebase-c86381ddd445

My app builds just fine, but when executing a firebase deploy, I get this <sarcasm>super helpful</sarcasm> error message:

enter image description here

I would love to know what I am doing wrong, but as it appears Firebase really isn't sure. I checked the log screen under the Firebase console, but it is empty.

like image 470
eat-sleep-code Avatar asked Dec 21 '18 15:12


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2 Answers

You can view options for the Firebase CLI tool by running firebase --help:

>> firebase --help
Usage: firebase [options] [command]

  -V, --version                           output the version number
  -P, --project <alias_or_project_id>     the Firebase project to use for this command
  --account <email>                       the Google account to use for authorization
  -j, --json                              output JSON instead of text, also triggers non-interactive mode
  --token <token>                         supply an auth token for this command
  --non-interactive                       error out of the command instead of waiting for prompts
  -i, --interactive                       force prompts to be displayed
  --debug                                 print verbose debug output and keep a debug log file
  -c, --config <path>                     path to the firebase.json file to use for configuration
  -h, --help                              output usage information

As you can see here, you can use the --debug flag on any Firebase command to get more verbose output.

like image 79
palsch Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10


If there is still someone having the same question/ issue, this may help:

firebase functions:log
like image 30
ADog Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10
