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Vendor prefixed css that deviates from current standard

I'm trying to find a resource that has a list of browser specific implementations of CSS properties that deviate from the current W3C standards.

For example, say IE supported something like this:

.my-class {
  -ms-foo: fizz buzz;

but when the proposal became a candidate reccomendation the standardized equivalent was:

.my-class {
  foo: buzz fizz;

In order to support versions of IE released before the CR, I'd want to write:

.my-class {
  -ms-foo: fizz buzz;
  foo: buzz fizz;

Googling for a list of these sorts of changes hasn't been terribly fruitful, there's a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth around vendor prefixes but not a lot of "gotcha" lists. Best I've found thus far are offhand mentions of changes (in that case, -webkit-border-radius), but those rarely document the actual expected input; they tend to just give a broken example.

I have found an OK list of the prefixes that exist (along with their standard status), but unfortunately it doesn't give the kind of details necessary for spotting the changes I'm interested in.

So, do any such lists exist?

I'll take partial lists, or ones that exclude really old browsers (don't really care about IE6, for example). I'm also only really concerned about the big 3.1 browsers (IE, Firefox, Webkit/Chrome/Safari, and Opera).

I also care about things that haven't been addressed by the W3C (like appearance), this is a hard enough problem without worrying about the things vendors have straight-up made up.

like image 588
Kevin Montrose Avatar asked Jun 24 '12 23:06

Kevin Montrose

People also ask

Are vendor prefixes still needed 2022?

"...are there still features now that haven't been fully supported and require prefixes?" Yes, and there will always be, as it's kind of an industry standard that vendors use their prefix on newly drafted properties/methods until those become a standard.

What is the purpose of using prefixes in CSS?

CSS vendor prefixes, also sometimes known as or CSS browser prefixes, are a way for browser makers to add support for new CSS features before those features are fully supported in all browsers.

1 Answers

I find CSS3Info useful: http://www.css3.info/preview/ (edited - sorry, this is what I meant to post originally).

EDIT: Hmm. I'm batting zero today. I could have sworn there was more on browser prefixes on that site...

like image 102
Tieson T. Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Tieson T.