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Vectorizing multiple vector-matrix multiplications in NumPy

I am having trouble figuring out how to arrange my axes so I can perform the following operations in a vectorized way.

Essentially I have an array of vectors, an array of matrices, and I want to evaluate VMV^T for each corresponding vector V and matrix M

import numpy as np

N = 5 # normally 100k or so
vecs = np.random.rand(N, 2)
mats = np.random.rand(N, 2, 2)

output = np.array([np.dot(np.dot(vecs[i, ...], mats[i, ...]), vecs[i, ...].T) for i in range(N)])

If it's simpler, vectorizing the intermediate result below would also be helpful:

intermediate_result = np.array([np.dot(vecs[i, ...], mats[i, ...]) for i in range(N)])
# then I can do
output = np.sum(intermediate_result * vecs, axis=-1)
like image 603
YXD Avatar asked May 12 '13 19:05


1 Answers

An einsum-based solution is 100x faster than your loop for N = 100k:

%timeit np.array([np.dot(np.dot(vecs[i, ...], mats[i, ...]), vecs[i, ...].T) for i in range(N)])
%timeit np.einsum('...i,...ij,...j->...', vecs, mats, vecs)
np.allclose(np.array([np.dot(np.dot(vecs[i, ...], mats[i, ...]), vecs[i, ...].T) for i in range(N)]),
            np.einsum('...i,...ij,...j->...', vecs, mats, vecs))
1 loops, best of 3: 640 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 7.02 ms per loop
Out[45]: True
like image 148
jorgeca Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10
