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Vectorizing min and max of slices possible?

Suppose that I have a NumPy array of integers.

arr = np.random.randint(0, 1000, 1000)

And I have two arrays lower and upper, which represent lower and upper bounds respectively on slices of arr. These intervals are overlapping and variable-length, however lowers and uppers are both guaranteed to be non-decreasing.

lowers = np.array([0, 5, 132, 358, 566, 822])
uppers = np.array([45, 93, 189, 533, 800, 923])

I want to find the min and the max of each slice of arr defined by lowers and uppers, and store these in another array.

out_arr = np.empty((lowers.size, 2))

What is the most efficient way to do this? I'm worried there is not a vectorized approach, as I can't see how I get around indexing in a loop..

My current approach is just the straightforward

for i in range(lowers.size):
    arr_v = arr[lowers[i]:uppers[i]]
    out_arr[i,0] = np.amin(arr_v)
    out_arr[i,1] = np.amax(arr_v)

which leaves me with a desired result like

In [304]: out_arr

array([[  26.,  908.],
       [  18.,  993.],
       [   0.,  968.],
       [   3.,  999.],
       [   1.,  998.],
       [   0.,  994.]])

but this is far too slow on my actual data.

like image 480
Eric Hansen Avatar asked Apr 11 '17 00:04

Eric Hansen

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The max() Function — Find the Largest Element of a List. In Python, there is a built-in function max() you can use to find the largest number in a list. To use it, call the max() on a list of numbers. It then returns the greatest number in that list.

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2 Answers

Ok, here is how to at least down-size the original problem using np.minimum.reduceat:

lu = np.r_[lowers, uppers]
so = np.argsort(lu)
iso = np.empty_like(so)
iso[so] = np.arange(len(so))
cut = len(lowers)
lmin = np.minimum.reduceat(arr, lu[so])
for i in range(cut):
    print(min(lmin[iso[i]:iso[cut+i]]), min(arr[lowers[i]:uppers[i]]))

# 33 33
# 7 7
# 5 5
# 0 0
# 3 3
# 7 7

What this doesn't achieve is getting rid of the main loop but at least the data were reduced from a 1000 element array to a 12 element one.


With small overlaps @Eric Hansen's own solutions are hard to beat. I'd still like to point out that if there are substantial overlaps then it may even be worthwhile to combine both methods. I don't have numba, so below is just a twopass version that combines my preprossing with Eric's pure numpy solution which also serves as a benchmark in the form of onepass:

import numpy as np
from timeit import timeit

def twopass(lowers, uppers, arr):
    lu = np.r_[lowers, uppers]
    so = np.argsort(lu)
    iso = np.empty_like(so)
    iso[so] = np.arange(len(so))
    cut = len(lowers)
    lmin = np.minimum.reduceat(arr, lu[so])
    return np.minimum.reduceat(lmin, iso.reshape(2,-1).T.ravel())[::2]

def onepass(lowers, uppers, arr):
    mixture = np.empty((lowers.size*2,), dtype=lowers.dtype) 
    mixture[::2] = lowers; mixture[1::2] = uppers
    return np.minimum.reduceat(arr, mixture)[::2]

arr = np.random.randint(0, 1000, 1000)
lowers = np.array([0, 5, 132, 358, 566, 822])
uppers = np.array([45, 93, 189, 533, 800, 923])

for f in twopass, onepass:
    print('{:18s} {:9.6f} ms'.format(f.__name__, 
                                     timeit(lambda: f(lowers, uppers, arr),

arr = np.random.randint(0, 1000, 10**6)
lowers = np.random.randint(0, 8*10**5, 10**4)
uppers = np.random.randint(2*10**5, 10**6, 10**4)
swap = lowers > uppers
lowers[swap], uppers[swap] = uppers[swap], lowers[swap]

for f in twopass, onepass:
    print('{:18s} {:10.4f} ms'.format(f.__name__, 
                                     timeit(lambda: f(lowers, uppers, arr),

Sample run:

twopass             0.030880 ms
onepass             0.005723 ms
twopass               74.4962 ms
onepass             3153.1575 ms
like image 148
Paul Panzer Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10

Paul Panzer

An improved version of my original attempt I came up with based on Paul Panzer's suggestion of reduceat is

mixture = np.empty((lowers.size*2,), dtype=lowers.dtype) 
mixture[::2] = lowers; mixture[1::2] = uppers

np.column_stack((np.minimum.reduceat(arr, mixture)[::2],
                 np.maximum.reduceat(arr, mixture)[::2]))

On a sample size comparable to my actual data, this runs in 4.22 ms on my machine compared to my original solution taking 73 ms.

Even faster though is to just use Numba with my original solution

from numba import jit

def get_res():
    out_arr = np.empty((lowers.size, 2))
    for i in range(lowers.size):
        arr_v = arr[lowers[i]:uppers[i]]
        out_arr[i,0] = np.amin(arr_v)
        out_arr[i,1] = np.amax(arr_v)
    return out_arr

which runs in 100 microseconds on my machine.

like image 35
Eric Hansen Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Eric Hansen