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Python: Declare as integer and character




# declare score as integer
score = int

# declare rating as character
rating = chr

# write "Enter score: "
# input score
score = input("Enter score: ")

# if score == 10 Then
#   set rating = "A"
# endif
if score == 10:
    rating = "A"


When I execute this code and enter "10" I get, built-in function chr, in the shell. I want it to print A, or another character depending on the score. For example if the input score was 8 or 9 it would have to read B. But, I'm trying to get past the first step first. I am new to programming, and if I can get pointed in the right direction that would help a lot.

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John Avatar asked Feb 26 '17 01:02


2 Answers

# declare score as integer
score = int

# declare rating as character
rating = chr

Above two statement, assigns the function int, chr, not declaring the variable with the default value. (BTW, chr is not a type, but a function that convert the code-point value to character)

Do this instead:

score = 0    # or   int()
rating = ''  # or   'C'   # if you want C to be default rating

NOTE score is not need to be initialized, because it's assigned by score = input("Enter score: ")

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falsetru Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10


In python, you can't do static typing (i.e. you can't fix a variable to a type). Python is dynamic typing.

What you need is to force a type to the input variable.

# declare score as integer
score = '0' # the default score

# declare rating as character
rating = 'D' # default rating

# write "Enter score: "
# input score
score = input("Enter score: ")

# here, we are going to force convert score to integer
    score = int (score)
    print ('score is not convertable to integer')

# if score == 10 Then
#   set rating = "A"
# endif
if score == 10:
    rating = "A"

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Edward Aung Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 03:10

Edward Aung