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VB.NET SQL Server Insert - ExecuteNonQuery: Connection property has not been initialized

In the form load event, I connect to the SQL Server database:

Private Sub AddBook_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            myConnection = New SqlConnection("server=.\SQLEXPRESS;uid=sa;pwd=123;database=CIEDC")

End Sub

Here in the Insert event, I use the following code:

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAdd.Click
                myCommand = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblBook(BookCode, BookTitle, Author, PublishingYear, Price, EnterDate, CatID, RackID, Amount) VALUES('" & txtBookCode.Text & "','" & txtTitle.Text & "','" & txtAuthor.Text & "','" & txtPublishYear.Text & "','" & txtPrice.Text & "', #" & txtEnterDate.Text & "#, " & txtCategory.Text & "," & txtRack.Text & "," & txtAmount.Text & ")")
                MsgBox("The book named '" & txtTitle.Text & "' has been inseted successfully")
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
End Sub

And It produces the following error:

ExecuteNonQuery: Connection property has not been initialized
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Tepken Vannkorn Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 08:12

Tepken Vannkorn

2 Answers

  1. Connection Assignment - You aren't setting the connection property of the SQLCommand. You can do this without adding a line of code. This is the cause of your error.

    myCommand = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblBook(BookCode, BookTitle, Author, PublishingYear, Price, EnterDate, CatID, RackID, Amount) VALUES('" & txtBookCode.Text & "','" & txtTitle.Text & "','" & txtAuthor.Text & "','" & txtPublishYear.Text & "','" & txtPrice.Text & "', #" & txtEnterDate.Text & "#, " & txtCategory.Text & "," & txtRack.Text & "," & txtAmount.Text & ")", MyConnection)
  2. Connection Handling - You also need to remove `MyConnection.Open' from your Load Handler. Just open it and close it in your Click Handler, as you are currently doing. This is not causing the error.

  3. Parameterized SQL - You need to utilize SQL Parameters, despite the fact that you are not using a Stored Procedure. This is not the cause of your error. As Conrad reminded me, your original code dumps values straight from the user into a SQL Statement. Malicious users will steal your data unless you use SQL Parameters.

    Dim CMD As New SqlCommand("Select * from MyTable where BookID = @BookID")
    CMD.Parameters.Add("@BookID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = CInt(TXT_BookdID.Text)
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Brian Webster Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 00:04

Brian Webster

You need to set the Connection property on the command:

myCommand.Connection = myConnection
like image 43
Oded Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 23:04
