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VB.net Receive Posts - Simple HTTP Server




I wish to have a program that listen for posts on a specific port, e.g. http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:60002?key=value

Where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is running my program and the port it is listening to is 60002. The program will then need to get to the params that were passed to it, in this case key and value

I then want to be able to parse the values that come though. VB is not the language I normally use.

I want the solution to be compatible with .NET 3.5's framework.

like image 655
James Oravec Avatar asked Jan 02 '14 20:01

James Oravec

People also ask

How do I create a httppostrequest VB project?

Create a new class library project and you might want to use HttpPostRequestVB as the project and solution names. Rename the source file to HttpPostRequest to reflect the application that we want to develop. Add the following Imports directives. Add the HttpPostRequest class code that include the Main () subroutine.

How do I send an HTTP message to a host?

The req.send () call appends the url-encoded string to the body of the HTTP message and sends the message to the specified HOST. When the HOST responds, the message is displayed in the form's textbox (Figure 9.3). Run the application by pressing F5, click the HTTP POST Request button, and you will see the following response in the textbox:

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When communicating with a web service via HTTP POST, data is embedded as name-value pairs in the HTTP request's message body. Unlike HTTP GET, the name-value pairs do not appear as part of the URI.

How to change httpwebrequest method from get to post?

Once the HttpWebRequest object is created, ' request stream closed. The response is then retrieved. Console.WriteLine ("Creating HTTP web request...") httpRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create (postUrl), HttpWebRequest) Console.WriteLine ("Changing method from the default GET to POST...")

1 Answers

Slight modification of the following code snippet (from http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/b7f476d1-3147-4b18-ba5e-0b3ce8f8a918/want-to-make-a-webserver-with-httplistener ) worked for me:

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Globalization

Module HttpListener

    Sub Main()
        Dim prefixes(0) As String
        prefixes(0) = "http://*:8080/HttpListener/"
    End Sub

    Private Sub ProcessRequests(ByVal prefixes() As String)
        If Not System.Net.HttpListener.IsSupported Then
            Console.WriteLine( _
                "Windows XP SP2, Server 2003, or higher is required to " & _
                "use the HttpListener class.")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' URI prefixes are required,
        If prefixes Is Nothing OrElse prefixes.Length = 0 Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("prefixes")
        End If

        ' Create a listener and add the prefixes.
        Dim listener As System.Net.HttpListener = _
            New System.Net.HttpListener()
        For Each s As String In prefixes

            ' Start the listener to begin listening for requests.

            ' Set the number of requests this application will handle.
            Dim numRequestsToBeHandled As Integer = 10

            For i As Integer = 0 To numRequestsToBeHandled
                Dim response As HttpListenerResponse = Nothing
                    ' Note: GetContext blocks while waiting for a request.
                    Dim context As HttpListenerContext = listener.GetContext()

                    ' Create the response.
                    response = context.Response
                    Dim responseString As String = _
                        "<HTML><BODY>The time is currently " & _
                        DateTime.Now.ToString( _
                        DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo) & _
                    Dim buffer() As Byte = _
                    response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length
                    Dim output As System.IO.Stream = response.OutputStream
                    output.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)

                Catch ex As HttpListenerException
                    If response IsNot Nothing Then
                    End If
                End Try
        Catch ex As HttpListenerException
            ' Stop listening for requests.
            Console.WriteLine("Done Listening...")
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module
like image 55
James Oravec Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 23:11

James Oravec