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VBA shorthand for x=x+1?




Sub btn1_Click() Static value As Integer value = value + 1 MsgBox value End Sub 

I swear when I was taking a VB.net course in college there was a shorter way to tell a variable to add '' to itself. Maybe x=+1. I am using Access now though instead of visual studio. When I try that within the VBE it removes the +. I even removed Option Explicit with no change

Assuming the answer will be no, there is no way to short-hand it & its just a peculiarly of VBA

like image 548
gregg Avatar asked Nov 19 '13 15:11


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2 Answers

Sadly there are no operation-assignment operators in VBA.

(Addition-assignment += are available in VB.Net)

Pointless workaround;

Sub Inc(ByRef i As Integer)    i = i + 1   End Sub ... Static value As Integer inc value inc value 
like image 55
Alex K. Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Alex K.

If you want to call the incremented number directly in a function, this solution works bettter:

Function inc(ByRef data As Integer)     data = data + 1     inc = data End Function 

for example:

Wb.Worksheets(mySheet).Cells(myRow, inc(myCol)) 

If the function inc() returns no value, the above line will generate an error.

like image 45
etfa Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
