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VB6 and .PFX Code Signing





My boss has procured a certificate from Comodo and I've been breaking myself against walls of text trying to find the solution to the problem of getting the certificate into a VB6 application. The certificate itself is in VB6 format and I know like next to nothing about this type of thing. The people at Comodo were just OH so helpful (From my boss, they said he can find something on the internet. Apparently they don't know how big the internet is -.-)

Does signing the project require putting code into the program, or is it just the .exe that gets signed by the MS Authenticode executable files?

Does anyone have like an idiots step by step guide solution for this?

Thanks in advance.

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Will Avatar asked Dec 20 '12 21:12


1 Answers

Here is a snippet from our build scripts

set signtool=C:\{cert_path}\signtool.exe sign /f C:\{cert_path}\my_code_sign_current.p12 /p ###### /du "http://mycompany.com" /t "http://timestamp.comodoca.com/authenticode"
%signtool% /d "My Application 1.0" "C:\{binn_path}\App.exe"
%signtool% /d "My Other App 2.0" "C:\{binn_path}\Other.exe"

We use older version of signtool.exe (6.0.4002.0) because we had troubles using some timestampimg servers with newer versions (http://www.startssl.com/timestamp).

Note: .pfx and .p12 files -- these are the same PKCS #12 container files, DER encoded

like image 100
wqw Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09
