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Variables: overwriting vs if/else [closed]

This is a PHP question but is probably applicable to other languages.

Which is a better way to handle variable assignments?

// Use default value and overwrite
$var_one = 'x';
if ($var_two) {
    $var_one = 'y';

// Use complete if/else
if ($var_two) {
    $var_one = 'y';
} else {
    $var_one = 'x';

I'm always curious about how software works at the lowest levels.

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Chris Ullyott Avatar asked May 25 '16 05:05

Chris Ullyott

4 Answers

I would use the first one because it will remove one process. Also it is cleaner than the second one:

$var_one = 'x';
if ($var_two)
     $var_one = 'y';


$var_one = ($var_two ? 'y' : 'x'); 

The above code is even cleaner than my #1 example.

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Majid Abbasi Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 16:11

Majid Abbasi

I prefer the second one

if ($var_two) {
    $var_one = 'y';
} else {
    $var_one = 'x';

I think it is more readable and lower CPU consumer because only one assignment executed at each time. But in the first one when the if is true two assignment executed.

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Mostafa Vatanpour Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 15:11

Mostafa Vatanpour

The second option is actually slightly faster as it only does one variable assignment when $var_two evaluates to true while the lower level jump operations are comparable in both cases.

On a side note, be careful how conditions like if ($var2) are evaluated as there are many cases that you may not expect to mean false that do. The PHP manual has a great page to clarify that.

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Julie Pelletier Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 15:11

Julie Pelletier

Its depend which variable you are accessing.

If variable you are accessing is pre-populated then use below example

if(isset($_POST['formValue'])) {
   $formValue = $_POST['formValue'];
else {
   $formValue = NULL;

If you have to define variable in same page then

$formValue = 'x'; 
if(isset($var_two)) {
   $formValue = 'y';
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JiteshNK Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 15:11
