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Variable template template?

Say you have a tuple type and you want to extract its template parameter pack in order to instantiate another template. If that is a type template, then I can have a utility like this:

template < typename Tuple, template <typename...> typename What >
struct PutTupleInT;

template < typename... Types, template <typename...> typename What >
struct PutTupleInT<std::tuple<Types...>, What>
    using Result = What<Types...>;

But what if the desired template is a variable template? While template <typename...> typename What is the "placeholder" for a type template, then what is the "placeholder" for a variable template?

I've tried the following for clang-4.0.0 (the only compiler by now that supports non-type template parameters with auto type), but it failed. Actually I am not sure if this is a correct syntax for C++17.

template < typename Tuple, template <typename...> auto What >
struct PutTupleInV;

template < typename... Types, template <typename...> auto What >
struct PutTupleInV<std::tuple<Types...>, What>
    static constexpr auto value = What<Types...>;
like image 714
Vahagn Avatar asked Oct 23 '16 08:10


People also ask

What is a variable template?

A variable template defines a family of variable (when declared at namespace scope) or a family of static data members (when defined at class scope).

How do I use a variable in a template?

In the template, you use the hash symbol, # , to declare a template variable. The following template variable, #phone , declares a phone variable with the <input> element as its value. Refer to a template variable anywhere in the component's template.

What is Java template variable?

Template variables may be used in the template pattern. Variables are resolved to their concrete value when the template is evaluated in its context. Variables may be specified using simple or full syntax: Simple variables take the following form: ${array}

1 Answers

I don't think you can do that. Quoting N4606:

§14.3.3 [temp.arg.template]/1

A template-argument for a template template-parameter shall be the name of a class template or an alias template, expressed as id-expression.

A variable template doesn't fit this requirement.

You could cheat a little and use a proxy type to select the template:

template < typename Tuple, class Proxy>
struct PutTupleInTV;

template < typename... Types, class Proxy>
struct PutTupleInTV<std::tuple<Types...>, Proxy>
    static constexpr auto value = Proxy::template value<Types...>;

and then for

template<typename...> struct foo{};
template<typename... Ts> constexpr foo<Ts...> foo_v{};
struct use_foo
    template<typename... Ts>
    static constexpr auto value = foo_v<Ts...>;

you could say

PutTupleInTV<tup, use_foo>::value

live demo

like image 145
krzaq Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
