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Variable in for loop undefined outside




I am wondering why the following piece of code is not working:

package main

import (

func main() {
    for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
        var randomString = fmt.Sprintf("a%sa\n", "test")
    fmt.Printf("Made 10000 random strings like", randomString);

I've stripped some unrelevant code (as this is obviously not really random).

The issue i'm having is that just under the for-loop, "randomString" is undefined.

I've tried setting it using randomString := fmt.Sprintf() and with the var you've seen above.

I'm quite sure this is a scoping issue (the randomString variable is not in the scope outside of the for-loop), but as a PHP / JS developer, i'm not used to this and would say that variable is also available after the for loop.

How can I access that variable from that point? Basically just displaying the last generated string.

like image 756
Rob Avatar asked Nov 20 '15 09:11


People also ask

Can variables in a for loop be used outside it?

If the variable is declared outside the loop, then it has the global scope as it can be used through-out the function and inside of the loop too. If the variable is declared inside the loop, then the scope is only valid inside the loop and if used outside the loop will give an error.

How do you access a variable in a for loop outside?

If you want to access every element of randAd outside the for loop try like this var randAd = []; to initialize it as an array. You can easily access it after your for loop but If you use it as a simple variable var randAd; then you'll get the last variable always (it overwrites).

Should you declare variables inside or outside a loop?

In terms of readability and maintainability you should prefer to define the variable inside the loop.

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You can access all global variables with globals() Enclosed: In the outer function, if this is a nested function. Local: Within the current function. You can access all local variables with locals() .

2 Answers

See the relevant section from the spec: Declarations and scope:

The scope of a constant or variable identifier declared inside a function begins at the end of the ConstSpec or VarSpec (ShortVarDecl for short variable declarations) and ends at the end of the innermost containing block.

Define it in the scope in which you want to access it: before the for (in the scope of the main() function).

Also note that fmt.Sprintf() requires an additional parameter besides the ones to be printed: a format string. Either provide a format string (e.g. include a %s verb for the randomString parameter) or alternatively you may use fmt.Sprintln().

func main() {
    var randomString string
    for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
        randomString = fmt.Sprintf("a%sa\n", "test")
    fmt.Println("Made 10000 random strings like", randomString)


Made 10000 random strings like atesta

Try it on the Go Playground.

like image 181
icza Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 02:12


This is scoping issue, in Go the scope of randomString is the loop body, in JS it would be the whole function. Scoping rules differ in the different languages.

Check the Go spec:


like image 27
chill Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 01:12
