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Are typedefs for primitive values equivalent in golang?



Given this code:

type Philosopher int
const (
    Epictetus Philosopher = iota

func Quote(who Philosopher) string {
    fmt.Println("t: ", reflect.TypeOf(who))
    switch who {
    case Epictetus:
        return "First say to yourself what you would be; 
                and do what you have to do"
    case Seneca:
        return "If a man knows not to which port he sails, 
                No wind is favorable"
    return "nothing"

Calling Quote(5) will print Foo.Philosopher as the type for 5. Why didn't the type checker complain since that is what a type safe enums are supposed to do i.e. limit the scope of values ?

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canadadry Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 21:03


3 Answers

These are not enums as you think of them. Type Philosopher is more or less an alias of an int. More or less, because it is a fundamentally distinct type, which can define its own methods.

The point of it is to provide semantic grouping of constants in a way that is clear to the programmer. Additionally, one gets the benefit of Go's type checker during compile time. But only to the degree that a value passed into a func(Philosopher) can not be implicitly interpreted as such. Passing a literal 5 as the parameter works, because constants like that in Go are inherently untyped. This will not work;

n := 5
Quote(n)  // Compile error -> int is not Philosopher

Reason being that n is defined as int. There exists no implicit conversion between type int and Philosopher. However, this will work:

n := 5

Because the type cast is valid. Go does not care whether or not 5 is a valid and pre-defined Philosopher constant.

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jimt Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10


Go doesn’t make any guarantees about valid values, except for those implied by int. The use of iota is just a convenience for defining a series of constants; it doesn’t say anything about valid values.

5 is a valid int, and therefore a valid Philosopher. You could also create const Plato = Philosopher(5).

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Matt Sherman Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 10:10

Matt Sherman

Shorter answer should be like :

An untyped constant takes the type needed by its context.

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noonex Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 10:10
