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Variable extraction to var in Intellij IDEA

When extracting a variable (ctrl+alt+v) in Intellij IDEA with Java 11, I would like for the default to be that it is extracted to a var instead of the verbose type.

var home = "";

instead of

String home = "";

Is there a way to configure Intellij IDEA to do this?

like image 886
Jewels Avatar asked Jan 16 '19 14:01


People also ask

How do I extract a method in IntelliJ?

To extract method:Press Ctrl+Alt+M or from the main menu, select Refactor | Extract | Method. In the dialog that opens, configure a method options, such as visibility, parameters, and so on. You can also change a name of the method if you need.

How do you extract variables?

Highlight the code you want to extract to a variable and press ⌥⌘V (macOS), or Ctrl+Alt+V (Windows/Linux), to extract it. Extracting parameters can be useful in improving the readability of your code.

2 Answers


Feature has been implemented and available since IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1 release


Fix versions 2019.1 (191.6183.87)

This feature hasn't been adopted by IntelliJ IDEA yet.

I've submitted an explicit feature request at JetBrains' bug tracking system: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-206367

Although, other similar tickets which have been submitted before, are not yet completed:

  • https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-179176
  • https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-198828


However, you can somewhat achieve the desired behavior by using Custom Postfix Templates plugin, which allows to define your own custom postfix completion templates.

Statement like this:

enter image description here

Will be converted to:

enter image description here

To achieve this:

  • 1) Install Custom Postfix Templates plugin via Settings → Plugins → Browse Repositories.
  • 2) Press Shift+Alt+P (or go to menu Tools → Custom Postfix Templates → Edit Templates of Current Language) to open the custom postfix templates for the programming language in your current editor.
  • 3) Add the following template:

    .var : Extracts variable as inferred 'var' type
        NON_VOID                 →  var $VAR:suggestVariableName()$ = $expr$;

Restart IntelliJ and you're good to go.

Note. Existing postfix completion named 'var' exists in IntelliJ by default, you might want to disable the existing one (via Settings → Editor → General → Postfix Completion) or find another name for a new one.

like image 200
Mikhail Kholodkov Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10

Mikhail Kholodkov

Jet Brains added this feature to Intellij 2019.1.1

variable extraction in Intellij 2019.1.1

like image 5
Jewels Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 04:10
