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Variable expression into javascript without using th:inline

I searched first but I found confusing answers since I'm new to Thymeleaf and amateurish at best at javascript.

I just want to know how to pass variable expressions into javascript functions, sort of like in JSP:

<a href="#" onclick="javascript:getContactId('${contact.id}');">Button</a>

Of course, this fails with Thymeleaf and passes the string ${contact.id} instead of its value, so how could I get the value of the variable expression instead?

The reason I want it this way is because it depends on the row which is being iterated by th:each.

If there's no other way except to use th:inline, then what's the best approach considering the above statement?

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Nimchip Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 19:01


1 Answers

This one worked:

th:onclick="'javascript:getContactId(\'' + ${contact.id} + '\');'"

Thanks goes out to the thymeleaf forum: http://forum.thymeleaf.org/variable-expression-into-javascript-without-using-th-inline-td4025534.html

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Nimchip Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09
