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Variable cfform values - nested pound sign

I am having trouble with a problem. I am using cfoutput to run the results of a query inside a form. There are a few cfselects that are dynamically named, i.e. entry_1, entry_2, etc. These are then passed to an actionpage alonge with the record count in the url, where I want to insert them into a database with a cfloop.

<cfloop from="1" to="#url.Count#" index="i">  
<cfquery name="id_#i#" datasource="xxx">Insert Into table1(entry_level) Values(#form.entry_#i##)</cfquery>  

And it's tossing an error everytime. I've tried using array format, but I still can't get it to work. Please help!

like image 497
MeanDean73 Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 18:12


1 Answers

You can't construct a dynamic struct selector that way. You can do something like the following to get the same result.

So, using the following data:

<cfset url.count = 3>
<cfset form.entry_1 = 1>
<cfset form.entry_2 = 2>
<cfset form.entry_3 = 3>

Something like this would work -

<cfloop from="1" to="#url.Count#" index="i">  
  <cfquery name="id_#i#" datasource="xxx">
    Insert Into table1(entry_level) Values(#form['entry_' & i]#)

ColdFusion basically gives you two ways to access a value of a structure, either via a . notation or via brackets. If you are trying to access a structure via a dynamic key, you have to use brackets.

By the way, slightly better would be:

   <cfloop from="1" to="#url.Count#" index="i">  
      <cfquery name="id_#i#" datasource="xxx">
        Insert Into table1(entry_level) Values(<cfqueryparam value="#form['entry_' & i]#">)

cfQueryParam automatically escapes the entry so that you don't have to worry about SQL injection attacks. It can also make the query slightly more efficient.

like image 56
Brian Hoover Avatar answered Jan 09 '23 08:01

Brian Hoover