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Value.match() Regex in Google Refine

I am trying to extract a sequence of numbers from a column in Google Refine. Here is my code for doing it:


The data in my column is in the format of

abcababcabc 1234566 abcabcbacdf

The results is "null". I have no idea why!! It is also null if instead of \d I try \w.

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mchangun Avatar asked Jul 27 '13 10:07


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1 Answers

OpenRefine doesn't add implicit wildcards to the end of the pattern as some systems do (and as one might expect). Try this pattern instead:


You need the lazy/non-greedy qualifier (ie question mark) on the wildcards so that they don't gobble up some of your digits too. If you just use /.*(\d+).*/ you'll only match a single digit because the rest of them will be taken by the .* pattern.

Full documentation for the implementation can be seen in Java's Pattern class docs.

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Tom Morris Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10

Tom Morris