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Validation Error: The bundle contains disallowed nested bundles

As a followup to my other question, I'm continuing to have issues submitting my iOS 8 app (which includes a Sharing Extension and a framework target). On a submission attempt I receive the above error message. Others with my issue (as pointed out in the afore-linked question) have the same issue, but resolved it in ways that aren't relevant to my case.

The error message implicates my Sharing Extension target, which links to a framework that I wrote, which is shared between the Extension and the app. I'm pretty sure Apple was clear that I'm allowed to use frameworks in Extension targets (in fact, it's preferred!). So what other causes might there be for this error?

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Aaron Vegh Avatar asked Nov 26 '14 23:11

Aaron Vegh

2 Answers

Well, the answer seems simple enough: in the Extension target I was embedding the framework (Build Phases > Embed Framework). Once I removed that setting, everything works fine.


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Aaron Vegh Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Aaron Vegh

I had to remove (Build Phases > Embed Pods Frameworks) From the today excitation.

Was able to upload to appstore but this bring other problem the today excitation is not working

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/AFNetworking.framework/AFNetworking

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iTarek Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
