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validate select with jquery validation plugin

I have a html select with a default value -1.

  <select id="BusinessDistrictId">
       <option value="-1">Select one...</option>
       //other options...

I would like to force the users to select any option other than -1 value. My jquery validation rules-

  rules: {
         BusinessDistrictId: { required: true , min:0}

But it's not working. Any suggestion?

like image 561
s.k.paul Avatar asked Nov 03 '13 10:11


1 Answers

If you want to validate this element with the jQuery Validate plugin, there are two problems with its markup...

<select id="BusinessDistrictId">
    <option value="-1">Select one...</option>
    //other options...

1) As per the requirements of the jQuery Validate plugin, every element must have a unique name attribute. When rules are declared within .validate(), they are identified by their name. However, no matter how rules are declared, every element must still have a unique name attribute because that's how the plugin keeps track of the form elements.

2) Your min: 0 rule is only a workaround for a broken required rule. In order to use required: true on a <select> element, you must have the value="" attribute on the first <option> element; so in your case, the required rule will always be ignored. And since you have the min: 0 rule, you are getting a similar validation result that requires an item to be selected. Even with the value="" attribute on the first option, having both the required and min rules on a select element makes no logical sense.

Here is the correct code...


<select id="BusinessDistrictId" name="BusinessDistrictId">
    <option value="">Select one...</option> <!-- first option contains value="" -->
    //other options...


rules: {
    BusinessDistrictId: {  // <-- this is the name attribute
        required: true

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/y82dV/

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Sparky Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 10:10
