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Uwsgi logger : unable to find logger file




I am using nginx with uwsgi. in the uwsgi configuration file, whenever I use logger tag I get "unable to find logger file" error.

Here is the entry from my configuration file: nonok file:/tmp/uwsgi-us.log nonok (?!HTTP/1.\d 200)

Any pointer here?

Thank you.

like image 224
Kanhaiya Choudhary Avatar asked Mar 16 '15 04:03

Kanhaiya Choudhary

People also ask

Where does Uwsgi log to?

Logging to sockets will send log entries to the Unix socket /tmp/uwsgi.

1 Answers

You need to enable the "logfile" plugin with a line like plugins = logfile or plugins = python,logfile.

like image 174
mhsmith Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
