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uWSGI as HTTP server: in config.ini option is called `http-socket`, not `http`





I'm trying to use uWSGI as a standalone http server, not a uwsgi server.

Here' my configuration file mysite.ini:

chdir = /srv/workflows
module = workflows.wsgi:application
plugin = python

# We can receive connections either via http or from frontend via uwsgi socket

# http:
http =

# uwsgi:
#socket =
#chmod-socket = 664

vacuum = true
master = true
need-app = true
processes = 10
harakiri  = 20
max-requests = 5000

So, I used http option and commented-out socket and chmod-socket options.

In response to that uWSGI curses:

uWSGI: --s/--socket option is missing and stdin is not a socket.

Do I understand it right, that if I specify socket option, uWSGI expects connection to implement WSGI protocol? And if I specify http option, it expects connection to be http and I shouldn't specify the socket option in that case.

like image 921
Boris Burkov Avatar asked Feb 08 '23 07:02

Boris Burkov

1 Answers

Try http-socket rather than http

like image 154
jonatron Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 02:04
