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Django User Sessions, Cookies and Timeout

I'm working with a Django application and my current goal is to keep track of the user session with cookies. I have a feeling that, as always, my understanding is a bit off with regards to how I do this.

For starters, I would like to manage how long it has been since a user has logged in, that way I can successfully log them out if they haven't visited a new page in "x" hours. I am not sure what exactly is standard (for a social network).

Is this information I store on my server? Do cookies actually have any relevancy here? I've used cookies before to store things like a user's timezone, but I am struggling to deal with how I keep track of the user.

All I currently have in terms of user back end is from the django.contrib.auth package.

The only thing I really know how to do in terms of "grabbing" the user's info is done by using statements like if request.user.is_authenticated(): (etc.).

I realize this is somewhat of a complex question, so I will try and narrow it down:

How do I extend my existing information about the current user to capture "last activity" so I can log him/her out if they haven't been using the site in a certain period of time? Do I need to define a custom user model?

My next step after is to create a different type of user, so I feel like I need to make custom user models - beyond just extending the normal user form to make a profile etc.

Thanks for your understanding,

I know I can be confusing when I don't understand things.

Thanks for your time,


like image 861
jdero Avatar asked Mar 24 '23 02:03


1 Answers

You can configure the session middleware for logging out the user automatically, configure the SESSION_COOKIE_AGE, to some low value, and provide the SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST, as True.

This will automatically logout the user after certain inactivity, without any need of extending the profile.

 Default: 1209600 (2 weeks, in seconds)
 >> The age of session cookies, in seconds.

 Default: False
 >> Whether to save the session data on every request. 
 If this is False (default), then the session data will only be saved if it has been modified  that is, if any of its dictionary values have been assigned or deleted.

And for creating custom/extending User Profile, Django 1.5, comes with configurable User model, please check the docs for examples.

like image 66
Viren Rajput Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 11:04

Viren Rajput