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Using xpath and vtd-xml to get sub nodes and text of an element as a string

This is a portion of my XML:

        <D>string1 string2 <b>string3</b> string4</D>
        <D>string5 string6 <b>string7</b> string8 <i>string9</i></D>

I want to get the content of all the <D> tags as string. So, the example above should return:

1st iteration: 'string1 string2 <b>string3</b> string4'
2nd iteration: 'string5 string6 <b>string7</b> string8 <i>string9</i>'

In vtd-xml I used an AutoPilot with XPath "//L/D" and "//L/D/text()" but that did not work.

Any advice or alternative approach will be appreciated.


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Alex Avatar asked May 14 '11 19:05


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1 Answers

Below is the code that does what you are looking for.

    VTDGen vg =  new VTDGen();
    if (vg.parseFile("c://xml//alex.txt", true)){
        VTDNav vn = vg.getNav();
        AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn);
        int i=-1;
            long l = vn.getContentFragment();
            System.out.println(" -==> "+ vn.toString((int )l, (int)(l>>32)));
like image 103
vtd-xml-author Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
