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Using x:Name or Name in WPF [duplicate]




My understanding of x:Name vs Name is that some controls have a Name property, that is basically the same as setting x:Name.

Is there an advantage to using Name when it is available over x:Name?

Here's my reference for understanding x:Name vs Name.

like image 903
Chris Nicol Avatar asked Dec 18 '09 18:12

Chris Nicol

People also ask

When should we use X Name vs Name?

In general, Name and x:Name are interchangeable. The former is an actual property on the class and the latter is a directive that comes from the default x: namespace and is used by the XAML parser.

What is X type in WPF?

WPF supports techniques that enable specifying the value of some properties of type Type without requiring an x:Type markup extension usage. Instead, you can specify the value as a string that names the type. Examples of this are ControlTemplate. TargetType and Style.

What is X key in WPF?

The code equivalent of specifying x:Key is the key that is used for the underlying IDictionary. For example, an x:Key that is applied in markup for a resource in WPF is equivalent to the value of the key parameter of ResourceDictionary. Add when you add the resource to a WPF ResourceDictionary in code.

What does X mean in XAML?

1. 2. To be clear: XAML is based on XML, and the x: prefix is the prefix for an XML Namespace defined in the header.

1 Answers

For any that has stumbled upon this question ... here's is a very detailed answer. Thanks to Taylor L for pointing me in the right direction.

like image 190
Chris Nicol Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09

Chris Nicol