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Using the Neo4j Server Web Interface for visualization on a Public website

I'm looking at visualization options for a graph database project that I have coming up. Part of the job is to provide an interactive visualization of the data for public website visitors.

The standard Neo4j Server Web Interface does all I would need it to and more. I was wandering if I could simply embed it in a webpage or provide a public url (that could be accessed without a login) that general users could use to view the visualization without being able to edit it or add nodes/relationships? If you know of any examples of how this can be done, I would be very grateful.


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user3261931 Avatar asked Feb 02 '14 03:02


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How can I see my graph in Neo4j browser?

2) You can also access this from a regular browser window by typing https://localhost:7474 and signing in with Username: neo4j, Password: <your database password (set up in Desktop)>. Now that we can access the graph database, we can start working with data using our query language, Cypher.

Is Neo4j a data visualization tool?

Neo4j Bloom is a data exploration tool that visualizes data in the graph and allows users to navigate and query the data without any query language or programming.

How can we use Neo4j browser?

Neo4j Browser is the easiest way to access a Neo4j database. To establish a connection, you enter the DBMS URL, the name of the database you want to connect, and the user credentials. You can also use the :server command to manage the connection to Neo4j.

What can we do with Neo4j?

Neo4j facilitates personal data storage and management: it allows you to track where private information is stored and which systems, applications, and users access it. The graph data model helps visualize personal data and allows for data analysis and pattern detection.

1 Answers

The Neo4j browser is an Angular.js application using d3.js as visualization. The code is all open source an on https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/tree/2.2/community/browser/lib/visualization so you can check it out there.

In general http://maxdemarzi.com is a good source for visualization blog posts as is http://neo4j.org/develop/visualization

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Michael Hunger Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10

Michael Hunger