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Using the dropbox web interface to delete a folder with 30,000 files

I have a folder in my dropbox with 30,000 files, that I can't delete using the web interface. It appears that I have to download all 30,000 files in order to tell dropbox I really don't want them.

This error arose because the machine that originally had the files is gone, and I was using selective sync to avoid downloading 30,000 files to all of my other computers.

Can anyone think of a clever way to work around this? Just viewing the folder usually causes the web interface to crash.

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Zach Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 22:11


People also ask

How do I batch delete from Dropbox?

For that you need to first go to the first file you want to delete using the down / up arrow key and press and hold Ctrl key and click on the files you want to delete.

Does deleting files from Dropbox delete from computer?

When you delete a file from Dropbox, it's no longer visible in any of the folders you see in your account. However, the file isn't deleted until after your recovery window: Dropbox Basic, Plus, and Family accounts can recover deleted files for 30 days.

1 Answers

The only way to delete 30,000+ files in a folder is to download them using selective sync. The web interface will give the "Too many files please use the desktop application" error. It is automated, so the only thing it takes is time (and enough hard drive space). If you don't have enough space, plug in an external drive and repoint the Dropbox directory there, let it download, then delete.

This is a stupid issue, I know. I wish you could manage more via the web interface since this IS the central location for your files.

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Jason Clemens Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 19:12

Jason Clemens