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Uploading to Dropbox from Google Drive

As a test case, I'm trying to copy a file from Google Drive to Dropbox using Google Scripts

function pushBuild() {
  // Setup OAuthServiceConfig
  var oAuthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("dropbox");

  var fileName = "blah.zip"
  var folderName = "upload_dir"

  var docs = DocsList.getFolder(folderName).find(fileName);
    if(docs[n].getName() == fileName){
      var ID = docs[n].getId();
      var options = {
        "oAuthServiceName" : "dropbox",
        "oAuthUseToken" : "always",
        "method" : "put",
        "payload" : docs[n].getBlob().getBytes(),
        "contentType" : "application/zip"        

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files_put/sandbox/upload_dir/" + fileName, options);



The authorization request for the application in Dropbox appears and it tells me that I've successfully authorized my app, but when I check, the app is not in the list of "My Apps", the file has not been uploaded and there are no entries in the log. The directory "upload_dir" exists on both GD and DB. I've tried the same code with "App Folder" and "Full Dropbox" app types, but get the same result.

Additionally, running the script again once again triggers the Authorization page, similar to


to appear, clicking "Allow" then shows the success screen but the application is not listed in "My Apps". Running the script again repeats the process.

Can anyone point out what I've done wrong?


So, I've now tried to implement this using the individual api calls and am still not having any success.

function testOAuth() {

  var timestamp = getTimestamp();
  var nonce = getNonce(timestamp);

  var authString = 'OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_signature="' + encodeURIComponent(ScriptProperties.getProperty("dropboxSecret") + '&') + '", oauth_consumer_key="' + ScriptProperties.getProperty("dropboxKey") + '"';


  var options = {
    method : "POST",
    headers : {"Authorization" : authString}

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://api.dropbox.com/1/oauth/request_token",options);  
  var params = response.getContentText().split("&");  
  var map = new Map;  
      for(i = 0; i < params.length; i++){
        var param = params[i].split("=");

  var authStringx = "https://www.dropbox.com/1/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=" + map.get("oauth_token");


  var response2 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(authStringx);


  var authString2 = 'OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_token="' + map.get("oauth_token") + '" , oauth_signature="' + encodeURIComponent(ScriptProperties.getProperty("dropboxSecret") + '&' + map.get("oauth_token_secret")) + '", oauth_consumer_key="' + ScriptProperties.getProperty("dropboxKey") + '",oauth_timestamp="'+ timestamp +'", oauth_nonce="' + nonce +'"';


  var options3 = {
    "method" : "POST",
    "Authorization" : authString2  

  var response3 = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://api.dropbox.com/1/oauth/access_token", options3);


var getTimestamp = function(){
  return (Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)).toString()

var getNonce = function(timestamp){
  return timestamp + Math.floor( Math.random() * 100000000)

The code implementation for the map is here. The main problem that I can see is that authorize step does not invoke the Dropbox authorize end point (ie no browser redirection takes place to authorize the application). If I place a breakpoint just after the line Logger.log(authStringx); and manually visit the web page pasting in the contents of authStringx I get the screen to authorize my app. I accept that and get the message that the app is registered in "My Apps". I now let the program continue and I am greeted with the message

enter image description here

Any ideas?

like image 392
Pram Avatar asked Feb 25 '13 11:02


1 Answers


I was trying to accomplish the same task and came across your post. I am not a programmer, so I can't figure out the second part either (launching the authorization page fails), but I was able to complete the process in the third step and connect my app successfully.

Instead of:

var authString2 = 'OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_token="' + map.get("oauth_token") + '" , oauth_signature="' + encodeURIComponent(ScriptProperties.getProperty("dropboxSecret") + '&' + map.get("oauth_token_secret")) + '", oauth_consumer_key="' + ScriptProperties.getProperty("dropboxKey") + '",oauth_timestamp="'+ timestamp +'", oauth_nonce="' + nonce +'"';


var options3 = {
"method" : "POST",
"Authorization" : authString2  

var response3 = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://api.dropbox.com/1/oauth/access_token", options3);


I used:

var authtokenURL = "https://api.dropbox.com/1/oauth/access_token";

var authString2 = "?oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT&oauth_token=" + [MY_OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN] + "&oauth_signature=" + encodeURIComponent([MY_DROPBOX_CONSUMER_SECRET] + "&" + [MY_OAUTH_REQUEST_SECRET]) +"&oauth_consumer_key=" + [MY_DROPBOX_CONSUMER_KEY];


var response3 = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://api.dropbox.com/1/oauth/access_token" + authString2);    


I then got an email confirmation that I connected a new app to Dropbox, and my app does show up under Settings in my account. Anyway, as I said, I'm no programmer, so sorry for the ugly code. Thanks for supplying your code for me to make it this far. I hope this helps you at least move forward, even if it doesn't solve the underlying problem.

like image 148
INTJCapital Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
