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Using the C# NHunspell how do I check words?

Using the C# NHunspell, how do I check if a word is spelled correctly and if not what the correct spelling is?

I've imported the NHunspell.dll into the project. And have looked at the documentation.

But being a bit new at reading documentation it's hard to know where to start. Can someone provide an example on how to check if a word is spelled correctly? Basically I need a Helloworld for NHunspell.

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rotaercz Avatar asked Mar 06 '13 16:03


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1 Answers

using (Hunspell hunspell = new Hunspell("en_us.aff", "en_us.dic"))
    Console.WriteLine("Hunspell - Spell Checking Functions");

    Console.WriteLine("Check if the word 'Recommendation' is spelled correct"); 
    bool correct = hunspell.Spell("Recommendation");
    Console.WriteLine("Recommendation is spelled " + 
       (correct ? "correct":"not correct"));

    Console.WriteLine("Make suggestions for the word 'Recommendatio'");
    List<string> suggestions = hunspell.Suggest("Recommendatio");
    Console.WriteLine("There are " + 
       suggestions.Count.ToString() + " suggestions" );
    foreach (string suggestion in suggestions)
        Console.WriteLine("Suggestion is: " + suggestion );

From the Article http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/43495/Spell-Check-Hyphenation-and-Thesaurus-for-NET-with

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Thomas Maierhofer Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09

Thomas Maierhofer