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How to customize Lucene.NET to search for words with symbols without case-sensitivity (e.g. "C#" or ".net")?

The standard analyzer does not work. From what I can understand, it changes this to a search for c and net

The WhitespaceAnalyzer would work but it's case sensitive.

The general rule is search should work like Google so hoping it's a configuration thing considering .net, c# have been out there for a while or there's a workaround for this.

Per the suggestions below, I tried the custom WhitespaceAnalyzer but then if the keywords are separated by a comma and no-space are not handled correctly e.g.


will not be returned while searching which would be incorrect.

I came across PatternAnalyzer which is used to split the tokens but can't figure out how to use it in this scenario.

I'm using Lucene.Net 3.0.3 and .NET 4.0

like image 635
Kumar Avatar asked Feb 22 '13 03:02


2 Answers

Write your own custom analyzer class similar to SynonymAnalyzer in Lucene.Net – Custom Synonym Analyzer. Your override of TokenStream could solve this by pipelining the stream using WhitespaceTokenizer and LowerCaseFilter.

Remember that your indexer and searcher need to use the same analyzer.

Update: Handling multiple comma-delimited keywords

If you only need to handle unspaced comma-delimited keywords for searching, not indexing then you could convert the search expression expr as below.

expr = expr.Replace(',', ' ');

Then pass expr to the QueryParser. If you want to support other delimiters like ';' you could do it like this:

var terms = expr.Split(new char[] { ',', ';'} );
expr = String.Join(" ", terms);

But you also need to check for a phrase expression like "sybase,c#,.net,oracle" (expression includes the quote " chars) which should not be converted (the user is looking for an exact match):

expr = expr.Trim();
if (!(expr.StartsWith("\"") && expr.EndsWith("\"")))
    expr = expr.Replace(',', ' ');

The expression might include both a phrase and some keywords, like this:

"sybase,c#,.net,oracle" server,c#,.net,sybase

Then you need to parse and translate the search expression to this:

"sybase,c#,.net,oracle" server c# .net sybase

If you also need to handle unspaced comma-delimited keywords for indexing then you need to parse the text for unspaced comma-delimited keywords and store them in a distinct field eg. Keywords (which must be associated with your custom analyzer). Then your search handler needs to convert a search expression like this:


to this:

Keywords:server Keywords:c# Keywords:.net, Keywords:sybase

or more simply:

Keywords:(server, c#, .net, sybase)
like image 147
groverboy Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 07:10


Use the WhitespacerAnalyzer and chain it with a LowerCaseFilter.

Use the same chain at search and index time. by converting everything to lower case, you actually make it case insensitive.

According to your problem description, that should work and be simple to implement.

like image 36
Jf Beaulac Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 07:10

Jf Beaulac