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Using tabulator / tabspace in a TextView


I wish to use some tabspace in a line where I call setText

if(id==R.id.radioButton1){             title.setText(numbertext.getText()+" Grams"); 

In this case I would like to tab between numbertekst.getText() and the grams. The output is part of a simple row with values. But as I can't find the tab, the row is a little ugly.

I know I can use multiple textfields or even a table. But as I have a lot of code already I don't want to go that way yet.

I tried the Java way with putting \t, however that seems not to work.

Any help would be appreciated.

like image 354
Michel Avatar asked Jan 28 '13 21:01


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2 Answers

You should add tabulator to the text, but \t don't work in settext. The solution is add the character \u0009 that represents in unicode char the tabulator, in a string resource.

<string name="tab">\u0009</string>  TextView hello = (TextView) findViewById(R.string.helloTextView);  hello.setText("e"+getString(R.string.tab)+"e"); 

just combine more tab to have more space

like image 71
StarsSky Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09


"\t" works as well, and "\n" is used to start new line

like image 44
user3574895 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
