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Using style from another assembly in Metro application

I start with the Windows 8 C# XAML user and custom controls sample and moved the files


to a Metro Class Library named Controls, reference it in the UserAndCustomControls project and correct the local:... references to xmlns:local="using:Controls". This works great.

BUT if create a resource dictionary "Style.xaml" in the class library with

    <Color x:Key="ColorBackground">Red</Color>    

and include in the ScenarioList.xaml file

            <ResourceDictionary Source="/Controls;component/Style.xaml" />

i'm get an runtime error

Failed to assign to property 'Windows.UI.Xaml.ResourceDictionary.Source'.

if I try apply the color to the Grid

        <SolidColorBrush Color="{StaticResource ColorBackground}" />

    <ListBox x:Name="Scenarios" ...

[Q] The question is, how do I correctly declare, reference and use external style in Metro application? My idea is create reusable controls and common styles delivered as a single dll file.

like image 607
Luís Rigoni Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 01:12

Luís Rigoni

2 Answers

Your Source path is wrong as the component syntax is not supported. Assuming your control library DLL is called "Controls" then it would be like this:

<ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///Controls/Files/Style.xaml" />

You can look at http://timheuer.com/blog/archive/2012/03/07/creating-custom-controls-for-metro-style-apps.aspx for a deeper explanation.

like image 127
Tim Heuer Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 12:12

Tim Heuer

navits points the answer.

If you have a dll named "CustomControl" with a ResourceDictionary named "Styles.xaml" contained a folder named "Themes".

For C# projects the App.xaml should contain :

        <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///CustomControls/Themes/Styles.xaml"/>

With the Themes folder in the Source path, for C# projects.


For VB.Net projects the App.xaml should contain :

        <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///CustomControls/Styles.xaml"/>

Without the Themes folder in Source path, for VB.Net projects.

like image 24
Luís Rigoni Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 12:12

Luís Rigoni