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Using sqlalchemy to query using multiple column where in clause

I'm looking to execute this query using sqlalchemy.

SELECT name,
FROM kindergarten_classroom
WHERE (favorite_color,
       favorite_food) IN (('lavender','lentil soup'),('black','carrot juice'));

I only want kids that like (lavender AND lentil soup) OR (black and carrot juice). Also, this will probably be a huge list of favorite colors and foods (likely > 10K), so I'll want to do these in large batches.

This is similar, but doesn't get me all of the way there: Sqlalchemy in clause

like image 488
crunkchitis Avatar asked Aug 21 '14 22:08


1 Answers

You want the tuple_ construct:

    tuple_(favorite_color, favorite_food).in_(
        [('lavender', 'lentil soup'), ('black', 'carrot juice')]
like image 139
univerio Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10
