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Using Spring Boot 2 OAuth Client and Resourceserver in the same context

I'd like my spring boot application to serve a protected frontend, as well as being an API resource server for said frontend at the same time, but I can't get the oauth stuff working.

What I want is the spring boot application to return a 302 redirect to the oauth server (gitlab in my case) when the browser requests the index.html without a token, so the user is sent to the login form. But I also want that the API to return a 401 when the API is called without a token, as I think a 302 redirect to a login page is not very useful there.

In pseudo code:

if document_url == /index.html and token not valid
  return 302 https//gitlab/loginpage
if document_url == /api/restcall and token not valid
  return 401
server document_url

I am working with spring boot 2.1, regarding oauth my pom.xml contains


This is my naive try in the SecurityConfig

public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {


Both configurations (oauth2Login and oauth2ResourceServer) work fine for themself. But as soon as I combine them the last one wins (so in the above example there would be no 302 and the browser would also see a 401 for the index.html). I presume they share some configuration objects so the last write wins.

Is there an (easy) way to get what I want? I know spring can do almost anything, but I would very much not to end up manually configuring a gazillion beans ...


I've made a minimal example (including @dur's suggestion) of my code here

like image 746
schrom Avatar asked Nov 11 '19 16:11


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1 Answers

You need to create multiple configurations and restrict them only to specific URL patterns using requestMatcher. Based on your example, your configurations should look like this:


public class SecurityConfigHTML extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {


public class SecurityConfigAPI extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
like image 68
Anar Sultanov Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10

Anar Sultanov